O Happy Day!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Last week was simply amazing. So much so I had to flesh out my thoughts in my private journal first, and here's the summary. . .

On Tuesday November 4, 2008, I woke up energized and ready. When I stepped outside I immediately thanked God for the beautiful day. I arrived at my polling place at 6:10am, and by 6:45am I was walking to the train station after casting my vote for Senator Barak Obama (And yes, I did take a picture while behind the curtain!). I was both efficient and distracted at work. On the one hand, I got a ton of work done. . . and on the other, I could not wait to leave and get home to watch the coverage. I left my job at 6pm, and by the time I got home, decompressed, and took a shower, all of the stations showed Obama ahead in the electoral votes. Then the news bureaus projected Mr. Obama won the battleground state of Pennsylvania. I was nervous and "cautiously optimistic", the past two presidential elections were stolen, and was I just praying that nothing shady happened this time. For one, I truly believe this country needs change and Obama is the man for the job, and two, I was nervous about what could happen if there was a repeat of 2000, and the less publicized shenanigans of 2004 (Ohio). People are tired, weary, and these are desperate times. The perfect environment for something to jump off.

By the time they declared Mr. Obama "President-Elect Obama", I was through. I was ecstatic, so much so, that I had a happy headache. And of course, I was a little misty-eyed. When the family walked on the stage, I was smiling from ear to ear, and when my president started speaking a tear rolled out of my right eye (it always starts there, I don't know why ;)

I eventually drifted off to sleep, after the speech of course, as happy a kid on Christmas Eve. I woke up feeling renewed and re-energized, and as corny as it sounds I could feel change in the air. I hope that lasts, but even if the excitement dies down, I know I've been changed. Usually, this time of year I think about some things I want to improve on in the next year. And, while I hate to admit it, my list thus far includes a lot of superficial stuff. However, what happened this week makes me want to get real clear about my purpose, about giving back, about truly connecting with people who are also interested in giving back and doing the hard work, and most importantly, becoming more prayerful. This might mean I need to re-evaluate my current volunteer work, but whatever it is, I want to do my part for CHANGE.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Soundtrack playing in my head today consisted of the Ojays and Goo Goo Dolls. I don't need anyone to tell me that that's real schizo ;). And wouldn't you know it, some nice folks over on youtube have put these two songs with images of my candidate for president. I really need to get my thoughts down in my personal journal first on what this day has meant to me. In the mean time, I NEED to watch the election coverage.


I'm So Excited!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I can't wait to cast my ballot for Barak Obama on Tuesday. I'm bringing my camera because I want to take a pic of the ballot and a pic of me making my selection. Of course, I have to remember to turn off the flash . . . I don't think there's anything illegal about bringing a camera with me . . . but there's no sense in raising any red flags.

Tea Does the Mind Good

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Your Greatest strength is love and Your Greatness is not what you have, it's what you give . . .at least, that what Yogi told me. Everyday, I have my coffee in the morning and at least two cups of tea, mid-morning and afternoon. Every single day I drink a cup of green tea courtesy of Ito-En, by way of Kirkland, (as in Costco's Kirkland). It is by far, one of the best green teas you can buy. My second tea varies, it might be a cranberry tea, English breakfast tea, a "Get Gorgeous" tea, or a Yogi tea. Recently, I bought a box of Yogi tea since it was on sale. In fact, I usually only buy that tea when it goes on sale. Anyway, I have the Green Tea for weightloss and it's quite delicious! However, besides its delicious taste I love the inspirational messages on the little paper attached to the teabag. I got the two aforementioned messages from Yogi tea in one week. My initial thought was "Aw, isn't that nice . . . .I think I'll keep that".

Then I got to thinking . . . I should probably try to implement that in my life, for real. I always say I love everyone, but I do not necessarily like everyone. I'm thinking I need to do a better job at looking at everyone from a place of love. For example, do I have a capacity to love those who annoy me, or people I deem superficial, or fake, or lazy, or materialistic, or whatever else we all judge people for? Going forward I want to do exactly that, to love them inspite of all of that, to try to understand where they are coming from, to remember we all have a story. Even though I mind my business, treat people with respect, and do not have any enemies (not that I know of, at least:), I know I must do better. I want love and respect like everyone else, so I need to consistently give it.

The second message was little easier for me to grasp, in fact I'm looking forward to putting it into practice. See, I have no problem paying my tithes in offerings. Its something I learned at a young age. One of my biggest goals, one that's dear to my heart, it to one day 1) endow a scholarship(s) and 2) to set aside a sizeable chunk of money every year for various causes and organizations. I do need to work on giving of myself and my time. My time is so precious to me and I hate to waste it, and I hate others to waste it. I'm also, on a continual search to discover my God given gifts, talents, and purpose. I want to be able to share those with others. I know I'm a good listener, so I should start there. . . to lend my ear more. Its not much, but its a start.

Its amazing what a couble of cups of tea could teach you!

I didn't want to, but . . .

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm really trying not to post about the election. As it is, I read a couple of articles a day about it, when I should be working, and I watch a little CNN, etc when I go home, in addition, to listening to the Brian Lehrer show on NY public radio (after the Steve Harvey Morning show), and I KNOW its all too much. But since the theme of this blog is whatever I'm thinking about, it is what is. So here we go, in no particular order.

From the VP debate until now I've been thinking about a few things. . . Like who's "Joe six-pack"? And do I really want my government to speak and behave like "Joe 6-pack" on the global stage? Nope. Note to Gov. Palin: our borders are shrinking and gone are the days of isolationism. Is is too much to ask for a government where the leaders are in touch with all varieties of Americans AND be capable of communicating and keep the respect of international heads of state.

I've also been thinking about how I want my leaders to read a variety of publications and journals to know what's going on at home and abroad. . .its not enough just to read what's put in front of you. I've been working since I was 14 years old (summer jobs count, right?) and I never had a boss not have a newspaper with them, in addition to a subscription to a trade journal (I know this because my first jobs were administrative/data entry and I would flip through the stuff). Of course, I'm certain my college professors maintained a subscription to newspapers, journals, etc. Even some of the graduate teaching assistants would copy certain articles and distribute them in class. I say all that to say, I would expect a governor, who is purportedly concerned about Russia, to be able to talk about what she has read, or reads, to keep up with what's going on around the world. I don't think that's an unfair question. Back to Joe Six-Pack. . .Maybe that's what the folksy talk and winking was about? I love the folksy talk about as much as I love text language in regular email - which is to say, I can barely understand it and its aggravating as hell.

Maybe it's just me, but after she's finished going through her memorized talking points, I never know what she's talking about. I'm always left with that "Huh?" feeling.

Before the debate Cindy McCain released some sort of statement about how this is the nastiest campaign that she has ever witnessed or something. When I heard that, during the pre-debate talk, I couldn't believe my ears. I mean, was she really taking a stand against her husband and his puppet? Did she completely forget about her husband's attempt at the presidency in 2000, when Karl Rove & Co. ripped him a new one? I do think planting seeds of doubt i.e. whispering about Senator Obama being a muslim (which I guess would disqualify you from being the President), and talks about him "palling around with a domestic terrorist" is a little nasty and desparate. I don't know, its just weird to hear her say that. Finally, was it just me or did you have to look up from whatever blog you were reading when Senator McCain said "That one". I dismissed it because I wasn't fully paying attention at the time whilst dowloading music for my blog and looking at hsn.com. Anyway, when I got confirmation that McCain did say "That One" . . . .I thought, "Man, this ol'dude is crazy, for real!"

Folks, we have to do better.

Confession #1

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I have a sweet tooth. Not candy per we. . . Sure I love the occasional Snickers bar, Reese's butter cup, or a Jolly Rancher . . .but my real love is more dessert like. What I mean is I love cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, the occasional crime burly, crepes with nutella chocolate, etc and not so much the fancy stuff at fancy restaurants. For example, one of my favorite desserts of all time is the Warm nut brownie with vanilla ice cream drizzled in caramel sauce offered at Houstons. I don't go to Houstons often, so thankfully I'm not under temptation often. Its simple and simply delicious. I've been to more upscale restaurants (like maybe three times in my life) where the food was excellent, but the dessert was just OK. In any case, a co-worker brought in these Apple Cider donuts that she bought from one of the city's traveling famer markets today. I can't think of a better way to express how I feel right now, so I'll just say it plainly. . . .That donut was the BEST donut I have ever eaten in my life! I don't know the last time I've had a fresh home made donut. When I finished I had to say "Thank you Jesus" as in thank you for apples, brown sugar and whatever else used to make the donuts, and thank you for the hands who made them". They were that good.

I was really close to asking my co-worker where she got them. But I know better. If I knew where I could find them, it would become apart of my routine, I would be hooked. I have a pretty strong will, but when it comes to dessert, its really hard. I limit myself to once a week, usually on the weekend. I eat relatively healthy otherwise, I love my fruits and veggies, and I exercise, and I find I can still achieve results if I cheat just a little bit once a week. Here's another example of my problem - The Mrs. Field's I have to pass on the way home has a 5 for $5 cookie special. When I discovered that, trips to Mrs. Fields became a part of my routine - at least once a week. When I noticed I wasn't losing weight, and in fact, picking up a pound or two, I got my act together quickly. My cookie trips were counterproductive to the 10-12lbs I want to lose in order to get back to my college weight.

I thought I should post this as it was fresh in my mind, even though I'm busy as I don't what. . .and why not keep a log of good memories!.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

You Are Registered, Aren't You?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why I Love Chris Rock!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm Back . . . Sort of

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My vacation is coming to a close *SIGH* The week before I was on a glorious vacation in Italy, visiting Venice, Florence, Rome, and a day trip to Naples and Capri. This past week I've been trying to get myself together, you know, back into the swing of things. I had a dentist appointment, painted my bathroom, laundry, cleaning, etc, etc. . . . Anyway, I've been in vacation mode and as such could not bring myself to write anything. I mean, a few truly random and completely unrelated things have crossed my mind, just not enough to press the PLAY button on my brain. For example:
1) Who told R. Kelly doing that BET interview was good idea? I still haven't watched the entire interview, but I've seen clips here and there. Is there anyone out there who still thinks he's been falsely accused of being a pedophile? Musical talent aside, I for one will be glad when folks stop buying his CDs and when other artists stop collaborating with him. Isn't it time we starting valuing young black girls.

2)King Mswati III- another crazy head of state. Check out - http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/09/06/Swaziland.ap/index.html?iref=newssearch. Since when does a nation that.

3) I see our neighbors like playing fast and lose with elections too!

4) Just finished watching American Gangster for the first time. It was better than I expected.; I'm not sure what I expected, Denzel Washington was in it so I should have known better. Anywho, I never changed the channel and this new HBO show - True Blood - is on and it is truly one of the worst shows I've ever seen. I mean, besides the vampire theme, the styling, writing, and acting is awful. This show stinks.

5) Apparently (so the CNN, FoxNews, CNBC, etc reports/interviews say) the former big Whigs at Lehman, AIG, Bear, Merril are crapping their pants, and their wives are clutching their pearls, because now they have to sell their private planes and sell and extra house or two. Meanwhile, the average American has been hurting for awhile, especially the last two years with foreclosure rates through the roof (among other things) thanks to creative financing - mortgages which were packaged and sold in all sorts of ways by the very same firms (and their execs) that are collapsing.

6) I don't want to take this blog in a catty direction, truly, I don't, but what's the deal with Rachel Zoe's face. I heard she's in her thirties, but did someone ask to see ID? Is that bad plastic surgery or hard living.

7) Maybe we should lock up OJ Simpson for his on good. You know, maybe send him to one of those cushy federal prisons just so he doesn't do any more dumb stuff. What's he on trial for now? Its hard to keep up with his old behind.

7) Watching SNL now . . . James Franco is hot AND funny.

The Good Ol' GOP

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This week has been a super busy week due to the Monday off, and because I'm going on vacation next week, so I've been working at a feverish pace all this week. I've been getting home after 8pm, closer to 9pm, but I thought I should watch some of the RNC. It was tough. When I'm exhausted I just want to take a shower and relax. The last thing I want to do is get all riled up and angry by stupid speeches at the RNC. I almost missed Sarah Palin's diatribe, because when I got home guess who was on the tube? Good ol' Rudy Guliani . . .my former mayor! He's the reason I missed half of her talk because I had to turn away. "Why?" you ask . . . because the very site of him, to borrow the words of Gayle King (XM Radio listenenr), makes me want to gnash my teeth to powder. I really can't stand him. Seriously.

Getting back to Sarah for moment . . . . this lady actually had the unmitigated gall to sneeze at the work of community organizers. I'm mean, really Sarah? Thank God for community organizers like Martin Luther King Jr., César Chávez, Susan B. Anthony, Stokely Carmichael, Mary Harriman, Fannie Lou Hamer, etc

OK, I'm getting tired now, so I'll end with this . . .before I lay my head down I'll pray that folks wake up and stop believing the Republican rhetoric that they are all about family values, that their in the moral majority, blah, blah.and that to be liberal is to be anti-Christian. The hypocrisy makes me ill. I mean, they trotted out any woman that Bill Clinton so much as winked at, and both Guliani and McCain are married to their former mistress'!?!?!? . . . .OK that was a little catty and I should have kept it to their stance on issues like poverty, starting a war under false pretenses, etc. etc . . .but oh well, I'm tired. I'll let Jon Stewart speak for me tonight.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Zahara will always have a special place in my heart, but this little Nahla Aubry is adorable!

When I was a kid and would spend my summers in NC with my grandmother and cousins, we would have to memorize a Bible verse for Sunday. At the church we attended, the young people (up to 18) would line up, say their verse, and an elder would do a short talk and pray over us. Some folks would say the same verse week after week (and I'm not talking about the little kids). Well, my grandmother wasn't having that, we had to memorize different verses. I have some Bible verses committed to memory, but I should be more diligent. I have one of those perpetual Bible verse calender's on my desk - but now I get my bible verse daily on my blog too!

Thanks TZA for pointing me to BibleGateway!

Labor Day (or lack thereof . . .)

I'm not laboring on this Labor Day. I've been looking forward to this Monday off for about four weeks now. There is nothing I love more than having Monday off. Of course, at my job that will probably mean a super busy, super stressful, rest of the week, but I'm OK because when I leave the office on Friday those folks won't see or hear from me for TWO WEEKS. Yes, indeed, Brainy Brown Girl NYC is going on vacation and I can't wait!!!! For the first week I will be in Italy, and the second week I will be doing whatever I feel like doing in my city and some stuff around my apartment, but still taking it easy.

But getting back to this wonderful day off . . . .Truly, my whole disposition and outlook on life changes when I know I'll have a Monday off. Maybe its because I don't experience the Sunday afternoon depression that I usually go through, maybe its because I know I'm not fulfilled in my career and I'm about to start another 50+ hour week of misery. I don't know . . .I don't have a problem with hard work or working hard. Its just that my current job just takes so much energy out of me, and I believe that when you are doing what you are gifted to do, the long hours aren't so bad and somehow the hard work doesn't feel so hard. I don't just want some corporate job where I make a good salary and afford to buy stuff. I believe I can have a fulfilling career in corporate America, its just not gonna happen where I am now. I'm open to somthing new. I'm still open to learning and earning all I can in corporate america now, so that I can work for myself later. What I know for sure is that God has plan for me and I just need to have an ear to hear, to be patient, and to be prepared for whatever comes my way.

I need to throw on some clothes. The only thing I want to do today is run to Home Depot for paint (but I'm not painting today, I just want it ready for when I do), fold up laundrey, draft another version of my resume, read my O magazines (I'm so behind in my magazine reading)and watch the last DVD of the Tudors (yes, the Showtime series. I don't have the Showtime package and I rented the first disk one day when there was nothing else to rent, the weather was terrible, and I LOVE history - so I though I'd check it out. In any case, its a decent enough show and you can't just watch three episodes!)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Praise the Lord! I can hear The Brian Lehrer Show again on NYPR. The audio problems I was experiencing for the past 2 weeks on my work PC was driving me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

The Black List

Monday, August 25, 2008

The only negative thing I can say about this documentary, The Black List, is that it is running on the first day of the DNC convention (I still remember listening to Barak Obama speak at the DNC convention several years ago). Other than that, let's just say I can barely bring myself to go to the bathroom. This documentary is awesome. It includes people I've admired for years, people I've only briefly read about in Essence, and a few I've never heard of. Hearing what their voices sound like, their stories, they encourage me. Seriously.

It reminds me of how thankful I am that my parents and extended family instilled a sense of "black pride" in me. They taught me that I could, and should, love being black. At the same time, I never got a message that to love being black, was to do that at the expense of humanity (This is not to say I haven't heard or repeated a joke or two, I hate to admit it, but I would be lying otherwise)In other words, I was taught to appreciate other cultures, in addition to seeking out the history, literature, movies, music, images etc. of people who look like me. I hope this documentary makes it to DVD soon. I hope it's watched by the generation after me, those aged 16-25, who are in desparate need of hope and healthy, authentic "black pride".

Oooh, Michelle Obama is on!!!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

This has to be one of the best commercials that I've seen in a long time (and definitely one of the best that Nike has put out in a long time). It's one that I actually stopped and watched. Marvin Gaye was so cool! I mean, he was that dude in his day . . .Man, what happened to R&B!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lately, I've been thinking about how I really need to get quiet. I don't run my mouth all of the time. . . in fact, I think most people would say that I'm not all that talkative (just moderately talkative). By "getting quiet" I mean I really, really, want quiet reflective time. I feel like I have a lot I need to do, and a lot I want to do. So even when I'm not working (which feels like all the time) my brain is going a mile a minute reviewing all the crap I need and want to do.
I'm a list person. I love lists, even better, I love outlines. For example, if there is something I need to do (beyond mundane tasks, i.e.laundry, go to cleaners, etc) I actually like to right it down and then use Roman numerals, capital letters and lower case letters, and numbers detailing how I'm going get the task done. A little obsessive maybe, but that's me (plus, not every task requires so many steps, but I will go there if necessary). In addition, I'm the type of person who treasures alone time. I like being with friends, talking on the phone, going here, going there, BUT I always need to carve out me time. My problem now, is that during my alone time I'm finding it hard to be alone with my own thoughts. I don't like it. I have to get it together. Because at the rate I'm going . . . I don't know, I just need to do something. I really need to get clear.

To that end, while at work I'll occassionally listen to Joel Osteen or another minister. I love NYPR and NPR and all, but sometimes all that housing crunch, crisis in Georgia, elementary school test scores talk can be draining. So I'll take an inspirational vitamin while I work, and man does it help me get through the day. On Monday I was listening to a sermon by TD Jakes called "Keep Reaching" and it was just what I needed to hear. The following are the main points:

1. Reach toward a deeper relationship with God.
2. Reach for His fruit (fruits of the spirit) in your character.
3. Reach for His promise(s)inspite of your problems.
4. Reach for stability in every area of your life.
5. Reach for good ground to sow in (sowing your time, energy, money).

That sermon was for me!

Movie talk

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Whoa! Its been a long time since I've posted anything . . .not that I've been devoid of random thoughts, its just that I've been busy. So busy, that I was remiss in posting something about "The Dark Knight". And I only remembered that I wanted to post something about "The Dark Knight", after going to see "Tropic Thunder" (I know, totally different movies but just go with it ;)

Anyway, I'll start by saying "The Dark Knight" is the best movie I've seen all year. As soon as I heard there would be a sequel to "Batman Begins" I was excited since I thought that movie was outstanding and way better than those other Batman attempts (in fact, I couldn't even sit through those films). The story, the acting, everything - simply fantastic. I have to admit when I first heard Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker I was a little skeptical. Having only seen him in "Ten Things I Hate About You" and "The Patriot" (I think I saw, "Brokeback Mountain" after he was cast in DK), I thought he was a decent enough actor. I mean, alot of those actors the entertainment shows and magazines try to covince us are "hot", are just so so or downright terrible (for i.e. He seems like a nice young man, but I can't for the life of me figure out how Orlando Bloom continues to get roles). So my hopes we're not high. I just couldn't think of Heath Ledger as a crazed criminal.
Its alittle too late to critique the movie, and I'm no movie critic anyway, but I'll just say this - Heath Ledger blew me away. He was unbelievable! All the hype and praise for his performance was well deserved. At the risk of sounding to mushy, I was little sad that someone in my peer group, someone who had actual talent, is no more.
. . .On a lighter note, Tropic Thunder was hilarious! Now the first time I heard about this film, specifically the fact that Robert Downey Jr. Would be playing a black man, my first thought was "Oh Lord . . .where's the petition I need to sign, what products do I need to boycott, and have white people completely lost their minds trying bring back blackface?!?!" Thank goodness the character and the point of the movie was revealed before the film opening, or I would've missed a thoroughly funny film. Who knew Robert Downey Jr. would be the funniest character (in my opinon) with co-stars like Ben Stiller and that nut Jack Black? How on earth did he channel a black man?

Maybe Ill start posting movie and book reviews. You know, all analytical and stuff. . .to show off my critical thinking skills. This post was just to get me back into the swing of things, especially since I just realized that I had/have at least one reader besides my pal Kayla:)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Friday, August 1, 2008

Cereal is one my favorite things to eat. My ultimate favorite - FROSTED FLAKES!! I have loves Frosted Flakes ever since I could remember. Its the right amount of crunch and sugar. Its so simple, and simply good. Eventually, I guess around 10 or 11, I started to experiment with other cereals and so now I'll also occassionally buy Cocoa Pebbles, Corn Pops, Fruit Loops, Cheerios (Original and MultiGrain). . . . but I always keep a box of Frosted Flakes around!
Probably the only drawback about getting older is that I have to watch what I eat. I mean, I'm not vain, but I'd like to maintain some sort of figure :) And so, a couple of years ago I started making small changes which have now become habits . . . I eat healthy cereal. I decided to buy Kashi one day when the stars were aligned - it was on sale and I had a $1 off coupon! I figured, now is the time to try it; if it was terrible I wouldn't feel like I wasted to much money (since healthy stuff can get pricey). So I picked up Kashi Go Lean . . .. it has changed my life. For instance, I didn't know just how fiber deprived I was. I ate fruits and veggies everyday. I thought I was doing pretty good. But a couple of days of eating bowls of Kashi (because I usually need two bowls of cereal) . . .and my stomach was bloated! And I mean, so bloated I was miserable. I've since learned I have to slowly increase my fiber intake. You can't just go and eat two full bowls of fiber!
Thankfully my friend Kayla introduced me to magic beans AKA Beano! Man, I will never be the same. I pop two of those magic beans and I'm good to go! I eat my Kashi and go on with my day without my stomach doing summersaults.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ooh, now I can post my thoughts as they come to me. Yipee!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Things to Remember

Saturday, July 19, 2008

For years I thought the following statement was apart of a speech given by Nelson Mandela, I've since learned that that's not the case. Nevertheless, it really speaks to me.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”- by Marianne Williamson

Brian Lehrer

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Random Thought of the Day:

I love Brian Lehrer! I tune into New York Public Radio, Monday through Friday, beginning at 10am. Why? Because Brian Lehrer is one of the best host/moderator/ journalist around. Really. I usually learn something new everyday . . .you know, the stories that are important but never make it to the local news because after the story about who got shot today, they have to have a segment about the "pain at the pump", and what city "Brangelina" has settled in. I want to know what the heck is going on in the world, and in my opinion, The Brian Lehrer Show is a good place to start. I like to keep up with pop-culture too (See TV Post below), but I can't start my day with that crap.

More importantly, he appears unbiased. Imagine that, a talk show where the host simply moderates instead of beating up on the person who dares disagree with them?!?! He's quite funny too! (Sometimes I wish he had his own show on cable (besides on CUNY TV) . . . .then again, he might not be able to do the same type of show with TV execs breathing down his neck for spicier shows.) The show also has interesting call ins from people all over the city from all walks of life. I just love it! Keep it up Brian Lehrer!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

OK, I'll admit it . . .I Love TV. I always have, and I always will. I am not a couch potato, nor am I illiterate. In fact, I love to read, and I read all day. With that said . . .I just wish there were more scripted shows that would survive more than three seasons. I still kind of like reality television too. I mean, most of it is garbage (i.e. Living Lohan), and the original - The Real World- is so formulaic its hard to watch (actually, its just plain disappointing b/c they used to have interesting people on the show). Nevertheless, there are some good ones out there.

In my opinion, you have a good reality show when you have interesting (or *special*) and talented people doing what they do best, i.e. Project Runway. Then, there are the shows that show the most outrageous, off the wall behavior, and straight nuttiness, i.e. Bridezilla. Part of my Sunday afternoon ritual is to catch up on some reality TV, namely Bridezilla. That show is straight crazy, and I LOVE IT! I mean, where do they find those people. I imagine planning a wedding takes up alot of your time and money, but I have never personally met anyone who did a complete transformation at the moment they became engaged. While watching the show I usually think "what would I do if I was a bridesmaid for a bridezilla?" Answer: Break out. That's right, I don't care if it was a family member, friend since first grade, etc. I don't have the energy for the nuttiness - I just love to watch it go down from the comfort of my living room! I also wonder, when I get engaged will I turn into an impossible, selfish, insecure, nut job? I like things done right and promptly, and I am a planner and list maker - - -that's why a destination wedding sounds like the best option. That way I can remain the sweet, sane, and stable person my family and friends know me to be, and save $$$. Reality TV can make you think!?!?

Some of my favorites are: Project Runway, America's Next Top Model (I so look forward to Tyra's "Deer in the headlights" stare before announcing who gets the boot), Bridezillas, and Flipping Out (I love Jeff Lewis's crazy behind! That is the nuttiest man on reality TV, for real).

At the end of the day I want more good shows like Law & Order (except Criminal Intent), Grey's Anatomy, The Office, etc to come back on with full seasons - with no interruptions during the season for stupid specials.

Sorry Rev. Jackson

Thursday, July 10, 2008

*SIGH* Rev. Jackson, please sit down. I mean, really. Please stop talking about how you're supporting Barak Obama's campaign but then turn around and say something so crass during an interview break (of all places - FOX NEWS!?!?!), when you thought no one was listening. I wish he would quit thinking so little of Black people. I personally do not know of any Black person (whether its a blue or white collar worker, or middle class or rich) who believes the lie that Obama "talks down" to them. This is not to say that every black person agrees with every single comment or position of Senator Obama, but I certainly don't know of any who feel belittled by him.

Could Rev. Jackson really be insinuating that the Black community is not ready to, or capable of, having a real and thorough conversation about the issues that persistently and adversely affects the community? And, by thorough conversation I mean a conversation that goes beyond a discussion of racism, both past and present, but a real dialogue about the ways in which WE self-sabotage. Could it be jealously? Is he afraid that he might not be considered relevant anymore? Give us some credit, Mr. Jackson. I don't hear too many Black folk protesting the comments made in Senator Obama's speeches. I guess that's because we make the very same comments in our private conversations. We have to do better. And guess what, its OK to say it on a national stage.

Ordinarily, I am overly deferential to my elders, but this type of nonsense needs to stop. I am thoroughly disappointed and disgusted with Jesse Jackson. . . . .Just when I thought we were getting over that crabs in barrel mentality.

Creating the Mood

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I have blogging OCD already. I can't find the PERFECT template. I wish someone could read my mind and create what I want. I did find a few that'll experiment with. One problem I'm runing into is that I have found some templates that I like, but there not in English. I don't want my posts to be in English and the Sidebar categories in another language. *SIGH*

I made it!!!

Well, I guess it was bound to happen . . . .I finally jumped on the blogging bandwagon! I love technology and all, you know, like email, blackberry, IM and all that other stuff . . .. but for some reason the whole blogging, MySpace, Facebook, etc, almost passed me by. I think I thought I was too busy for all that Myspace stuff, and that it was principally for college students (in fact, I think its a little corny for those who are 30 and older to maintain MySpace pages unless of course your some kind of artist or are using it for a business) and at 29, what in the world would I need with a MySpace page. As for blogging, I'm a big fan of blogs, in fact there are a few that I skim everyday. I think I was under the impression that you have to be some sort of expert at something, or a writer (or aspire to be one), and so I resisted. I also thought I'll wait until I'm not so busy, but when will that be. So I decided to just go for it. Start the blog, if for no other reason then to get my thoughts down. I (We) are bombarded with information all day, and I usually have some reaction or opinion (or I will think about it and maybe do a little research), so why not have it print. In a way, I guess I'm using this blog to see how I'll evolve. I know some opinions I had at 21, are drastically different then what I think now at the mature age of 29.

Furthermore, I think about the most random stuff during the day, alot of which cracks me up (and even if I don't immediately crack up, when I tell someone my random thought it usually makes them laugh, which in turn makes me laugh). So I figure, why not put it down, and maybe on the not so good days I can cheer myself up with my own zaniness. And yeah, I'm keeping my blog anonymous . . . at least for now. I think the blog title and my name pretty much sums it up though.

. . .. . Oh Lord, I hope I can keep this blog thing up. Wish me luck! . . .I mean, yall pray for me!

