I made it!!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Well, I guess it was bound to happen . . . .I finally jumped on the blogging bandwagon! I love technology and all, you know, like email, blackberry, IM and all that other stuff . . .. but for some reason the whole blogging, MySpace, Facebook, etc, almost passed me by. I think I thought I was too busy for all that Myspace stuff, and that it was principally for college students (in fact, I think its a little corny for those who are 30 and older to maintain MySpace pages unless of course your some kind of artist or are using it for a business) and at 29, what in the world would I need with a MySpace page. As for blogging, I'm a big fan of blogs, in fact there are a few that I skim everyday. I think I was under the impression that you have to be some sort of expert at something, or a writer (or aspire to be one), and so I resisted. I also thought I'll wait until I'm not so busy, but when will that be. So I decided to just go for it. Start the blog, if for no other reason then to get my thoughts down. I (We) are bombarded with information all day, and I usually have some reaction or opinion (or I will think about it and maybe do a little research), so why not have it print. In a way, I guess I'm using this blog to see how I'll evolve. I know some opinions I had at 21, are drastically different then what I think now at the mature age of 29.
Furthermore, I think about the most random stuff during the day, alot of which cracks me up (and even if I don't immediately crack up, when I tell someone my random thought it usually makes them laugh, which in turn makes me laugh). So I figure, why not put it down, and maybe on the not so good days I can cheer myself up with my own zaniness. And yeah, I'm keeping my blog anonymous . . . at least for now. I think the blog title and my name pretty much sums it up though.
. . .. . Oh Lord, I hope I can keep this blog thing up. Wish me luck! . . .I mean, yall pray for me!
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