Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Ooh, now I can post my thoughts as they come to me. Yipee!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Ooh, now I can post my thoughts as they come to me. Yipee!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted by Brainy Brown Girl in NYC at 7/23/2008 09:41:00 PM Comments
For years I thought the following statement was apart of a speech given by Nelson Mandela, I've since learned that that's not the case. Nevertheless, it really speaks to me.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”- by Marianne Williamson
Posted by Brainy Brown Girl in NYC at 7/19/2008 10:19:00 PM Comments
Random Thought of the Day:
I love Brian Lehrer! I tune into New York Public Radio, Monday through Friday, beginning at 10am. Why? Because Brian Lehrer is one of the best host/moderator/ journalist around. Really. I usually learn something new everyday . . .you know, the stories that are important but never make it to the local news because after the story about who got shot today, they have to have a segment about the "pain at the pump", and what city "Brangelina" has settled in. I want to know what the heck is going on in the world, and in my opinion, The Brian Lehrer Show is a good place to start. I like to keep up with pop-culture too (See TV Post below), but I can't start my day with that crap.
More importantly, he appears unbiased. Imagine that, a talk show where the host simply moderates instead of beating up on the person who dares disagree with them?!?! He's quite funny too! (Sometimes I wish he had his own show on cable (besides on CUNY TV) . . . .then again, he might not be able to do the same type of show with TV execs breathing down his neck for spicier shows.) The show also has interesting call ins from people all over the city from all walks of life. I just love it! Keep it up Brian Lehrer!
Posted by Brainy Brown Girl in NYC at 7/16/2008 10:27:00 PM Comments
OK, I'll admit it . . .I Love TV. I always have, and I always will. I am not a couch potato, nor am I illiterate. In fact, I love to read, and I read all day. With that said . . .I just wish there were more scripted shows that would survive more than three seasons. I still kind of like reality television too. I mean, most of it is garbage (i.e. Living Lohan), and the original - The Real World- is so formulaic its hard to watch (actually, its just plain disappointing b/c they used to have interesting people on the show). Nevertheless, there are some good ones out there.
In my opinion, you have a good reality show when you have interesting (or *special*) and talented people doing what they do best, i.e. Project Runway. Then, there are the shows that show the most outrageous, off the wall behavior, and straight nuttiness, i.e. Bridezilla. Part of my Sunday afternoon ritual is to catch up on some reality TV, namely Bridezilla. That show is straight crazy, and I LOVE IT! I mean, where do they find those people. I imagine planning a wedding takes up alot of your time and money, but I have never personally met anyone who did a complete transformation at the moment they became engaged. While watching the show I usually think "what would I do if I was a bridesmaid for a bridezilla?" Answer: Break out. That's right, I don't care if it was a family member, friend since first grade, etc. I don't have the energy for the nuttiness - I just love to watch it go down from the comfort of my living room! I also wonder, when I get engaged will I turn into an impossible, selfish, insecure, nut job? I like things done right and promptly, and I am a planner and list maker - - -that's why a destination wedding sounds like the best option. That way I can remain the sweet, sane, and stable person my family and friends know me to be, and save $$$. Reality TV can make you think!?!?
Some of my favorites are: Project Runway, America's Next Top Model (I so look forward to Tyra's "Deer in the headlights" stare before announcing who gets the boot), Bridezillas, and Flipping Out (I love Jeff Lewis's crazy behind! That is the nuttiest man on reality TV, for real).
At the end of the day I want more good shows like Law & Order (except Criminal Intent), Grey's Anatomy, The Office, etc to come back on with full seasons - with no interruptions during the season for stupid specials.
Posted by Brainy Brown Girl in NYC at 7/13/2008 10:24:00 PM Comments
*SIGH* Rev. Jackson, please sit down. I mean, really. Please stop talking about how you're supporting Barak Obama's campaign but then turn around and say something so crass during an interview break (of all places - FOX NEWS!?!?!), when you thought no one was listening. I wish he would quit thinking so little of Black people. I personally do not know of any Black person (whether its a blue or white collar worker, or middle class or rich) who believes the lie that Obama "talks down" to them. This is not to say that every black person agrees with every single comment or position of Senator Obama, but I certainly don't know of any who feel belittled by him.
Could Rev. Jackson really be insinuating that the Black community is not ready to, or capable of, having a real and thorough conversation about the issues that persistently and adversely affects the community? And, by thorough conversation I mean a conversation that goes beyond a discussion of racism, both past and present, but a real dialogue about the ways in which WE self-sabotage. Could it be jealously? Is he afraid that he might not be considered relevant anymore? Give us some credit, Mr. Jackson. I don't hear too many Black folk protesting the comments made in Senator Obama's speeches. I guess that's because we make the very same comments in our private conversations. We have to do better. And guess what, its OK to say it on a national stage.
Ordinarily, I am overly deferential to my elders, but this type of nonsense needs to stop. I am thoroughly disappointed and disgusted with Jesse Jackson. . . . .Just when I thought we were getting over that crabs in barrel mentality.
Posted by Brainy Brown Girl in NYC at 7/10/2008 10:15:00 AM Comments
I have blogging OCD already. I can't find the PERFECT template. I wish someone could read my mind and create what I want. I did find a few that'll experiment with. One problem I'm runing into is that I have found some templates that I like, but there not in English. I don't want my posts to be in English and the Sidebar categories in another language. *SIGH*
Posted by Brainy Brown Girl in NYC at 7/06/2008 08:30:00 PM Comments
Well, I guess it was bound to happen . . . .I finally jumped on the blogging bandwagon! I love technology and all, you know, like email, blackberry, IM and all that other stuff . . .. but for some reason the whole blogging, MySpace, Facebook, etc, almost passed me by. I think I thought I was too busy for all that Myspace stuff, and that it was principally for college students (in fact, I think its a little corny for those who are 30 and older to maintain MySpace pages unless of course your some kind of artist or are using it for a business) and at 29, what in the world would I need with a MySpace page. As for blogging, I'm a big fan of blogs, in fact there are a few that I skim everyday. I think I was under the impression that you have to be some sort of expert at something, or a writer (or aspire to be one), and so I resisted. I also thought I'll wait until I'm not so busy, but when will that be. So I decided to just go for it. Start the blog, if for no other reason then to get my thoughts down. I (We) are bombarded with information all day, and I usually have some reaction or opinion (or I will think about it and maybe do a little research), so why not have it print. In a way, I guess I'm using this blog to see how I'll evolve. I know some opinions I had at 21, are drastically different then what I think now at the mature age of 29.
Furthermore, I think about the most random stuff during the day, alot of which cracks me up (and even if I don't immediately crack up, when I tell someone my random thought it usually makes them laugh, which in turn makes me laugh). So I figure, why not put it down, and maybe on the not so good days I can cheer myself up with my own zaniness. And yeah, I'm keeping my blog anonymous . . . at least for now. I think the blog title and my name pretty much sums it up though.
. . .. . Oh Lord, I hope I can keep this blog thing up. Wish me luck! . . .I mean, yall pray for me!
Posted by Brainy Brown Girl in NYC at 7/06/2008 07:59:00 PM Comments