I'm Back . . . Sort of

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My vacation is coming to a close *SIGH* The week before I was on a glorious vacation in Italy, visiting Venice, Florence, Rome, and a day trip to Naples and Capri. This past week I've been trying to get myself together, you know, back into the swing of things. I had a dentist appointment, painted my bathroom, laundry, cleaning, etc, etc. . . . Anyway, I've been in vacation mode and as such could not bring myself to write anything. I mean, a few truly random and completely unrelated things have crossed my mind, just not enough to press the PLAY button on my brain. For example:
1) Who told R. Kelly doing that BET interview was good idea? I still haven't watched the entire interview, but I've seen clips here and there. Is there anyone out there who still thinks he's been falsely accused of being a pedophile? Musical talent aside, I for one will be glad when folks stop buying his CDs and when other artists stop collaborating with him. Isn't it time we starting valuing young black girls.

2)King Mswati III- another crazy head of state. Check out - http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/09/06/Swaziland.ap/index.html?iref=newssearch. Since when does a nation that.

3) I see our neighbors like playing fast and lose with elections too!

4) Just finished watching American Gangster for the first time. It was better than I expected.; I'm not sure what I expected, Denzel Washington was in it so I should have known better. Anywho, I never changed the channel and this new HBO show - True Blood - is on and it is truly one of the worst shows I've ever seen. I mean, besides the vampire theme, the styling, writing, and acting is awful. This show stinks.

5) Apparently (so the CNN, FoxNews, CNBC, etc reports/interviews say) the former big Whigs at Lehman, AIG, Bear, Merril are crapping their pants, and their wives are clutching their pearls, because now they have to sell their private planes and sell and extra house or two. Meanwhile, the average American has been hurting for awhile, especially the last two years with foreclosure rates through the roof (among other things) thanks to creative financing - mortgages which were packaged and sold in all sorts of ways by the very same firms (and their execs) that are collapsing.

6) I don't want to take this blog in a catty direction, truly, I don't, but what's the deal with Rachel Zoe's face. I heard she's in her thirties, but did someone ask to see ID? Is that bad plastic surgery or hard living.

7) Maybe we should lock up OJ Simpson for his on good. You know, maybe send him to one of those cushy federal prisons just so he doesn't do any more dumb stuff. What's he on trial for now? Its hard to keep up with his old behind.

7) Watching SNL now . . . James Franco is hot AND funny.

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