The Black List

Monday, August 25, 2008

The only negative thing I can say about this documentary, The Black List, is that it is running on the first day of the DNC convention (I still remember listening to Barak Obama speak at the DNC convention several years ago). Other than that, let's just say I can barely bring myself to go to the bathroom. This documentary is awesome. It includes people I've admired for years, people I've only briefly read about in Essence, and a few I've never heard of. Hearing what their voices sound like, their stories, they encourage me. Seriously.

It reminds me of how thankful I am that my parents and extended family instilled a sense of "black pride" in me. They taught me that I could, and should, love being black. At the same time, I never got a message that to love being black, was to do that at the expense of humanity (This is not to say I haven't heard or repeated a joke or two, I hate to admit it, but I would be lying otherwise)In other words, I was taught to appreciate other cultures, in addition to seeking out the history, literature, movies, music, images etc. of people who look like me. I hope this documentary makes it to DVD soon. I hope it's watched by the generation after me, those aged 16-25, who are in desparate need of hope and healthy, authentic "black pride".

Oooh, Michelle Obama is on!!!

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