
Friday, August 1, 2008

Cereal is one my favorite things to eat. My ultimate favorite - FROSTED FLAKES!! I have loves Frosted Flakes ever since I could remember. Its the right amount of crunch and sugar. Its so simple, and simply good. Eventually, I guess around 10 or 11, I started to experiment with other cereals and so now I'll also occassionally buy Cocoa Pebbles, Corn Pops, Fruit Loops, Cheerios (Original and MultiGrain). . . . but I always keep a box of Frosted Flakes around!
Probably the only drawback about getting older is that I have to watch what I eat. I mean, I'm not vain, but I'd like to maintain some sort of figure :) And so, a couple of years ago I started making small changes which have now become habits . . . I eat healthy cereal. I decided to buy Kashi one day when the stars were aligned - it was on sale and I had a $1 off coupon! I figured, now is the time to try it; if it was terrible I wouldn't feel like I wasted to much money (since healthy stuff can get pricey). So I picked up Kashi Go Lean . . .. it has changed my life. For instance, I didn't know just how fiber deprived I was. I ate fruits and veggies everyday. I thought I was doing pretty good. But a couple of days of eating bowls of Kashi (because I usually need two bowls of cereal) . . .and my stomach was bloated! And I mean, so bloated I was miserable. I've since learned I have to slowly increase my fiber intake. You can't just go and eat two full bowls of fiber!
Thankfully my friend Kayla introduced me to magic beans AKA Beano! Man, I will never be the same. I pop two of those magic beans and I'm good to go! I eat my Kashi and go on with my day without my stomach doing summersaults.

1 comments: to “ Kashi so far...


    Like the blog. Keep the posts coming. I thought I was the only one with a string of random thoughts I need to share with the world.

    Check out the blog, if interested maybe we can link swap.
